DHET "New Energy Technologies""Nouvelles Technologies de l’Energie"

The postgraduate Advanced Master's degree and the DHET are one unique course. The students who register for an Advanced Master's degree must register for the matching DHET. 

New Energy Technologies"NTE" for the French "Nouvelles Technologies de l’Energie"

Postgraduate advanced master's degree certified by the "Conférence des Grandes Écoles"
Co-certification Toulouse INP-ENSEEIHT - Toulouse INP-ENSIACET
Specialization to a 5th/6th year of university level

You have a professional activity or you are looking for a job and you would like to broaden your skills, to change for a new field with employment potential or meet the new needs of your company. These advanced masters are intended for: 

  • engineers or holders of masters,
  • with an exemption :
    • 4th year of university level with 3 years of professional experience,
    • 2nd year of university level with 10 years of professional experience after a validation of occupational achievements.

Objectives of the postgraduate advanced master's degree

Couverture plaquette MS NTEThe postgraduate advanced master's degree "New Energy Technologies" provides sound knowledge in the energy sector's issues. Indeed, the energy field contributes for 50% of the carbon footprint of all mankind and represents a major issue for sustainable development.

The radical renewal of this field affects simultaneously primary resources (fossil, nuclear, renewable), energy vectors (electricity and eco-fuels), treatment processes and final systems of use.

Co-certified ENSEEIHT and ENSIACET of Toulouse INP, this postgraduate advanced master has an innovative interdisciplinary programme which combines Electricity and Processes. It trains students to use systemic methods allowing to develop more efficient and more economical optimised energy systems, by using New Energy Technologies.  
These New Energy Technologies, from the source to the applications, include: primary resources (oil, gas, nuclear, renewable, wind, solar), vectors (heat, electricity, agri-fuels, energy-hydrogen), associated processes (CO2 sequestration, energy-hydrogen production), components and production and storage systems (electrochemical components, fuel cell, accumulators, wind and solar generators, hybrid systems, electronic treatment of electric energy).

As the internships and first employments show, engineers of this postgraduate advanced master's degree directly benefit from the opportunities offered by a new rising demand. This advanced master's degree has the support of the skills of major companies in the energy field. They are involved in the course once a week during a thematic day (CEA, GDF-Suez, EDF-EN, IFP EN, Air liquide...).

More information

Conditions and applications, organization of  studies, program, tuition fees, scholarships, prospects...

Toulouse INP-ENSEEIHT website (in French)

Contact Toulouse INP-ENSIACET

L'école de la transformation de la matière et de l'énergie

4, allée Emile Monso - CS 44362
31030 TOULOUSE Cedex 4, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 33 00
