DHET "Industrial Systems Engineering"GSI for the French "Génie des Systèmes Industriels"

Inside the company, the diverse human, technical and financial resources interact under the influence of numerous external factors. 
The management of this kind of system requires organization to master the use of resources and their monitoring in order to guarantee durability. Industrial System Engineering is a discipline centred on the mastery of the Enterprise's system dynamics.


The objectives of this course are:

  • to give the necessary tools to manage industrial systems, in particular project management,
  • to train key staff of the company. 


  • Knowledge in Economics and in Human and social sciences.
  • Mastery and monitoring of the different resources of the company (human, technical, financial).
  • Mastery of the Enterprise system's dynamics.
  • Broad vision of the activity of the engineer in a company.
  • Ability to act on the entire industrial process.
  • Many activity sectors: engineering, industrialisation, production, quality, information systems, logistics, project management, entrepreneurship.
  • Teamwork and interdisciplinary projects.


  • Employees, job seekers or students who have at least a 4th year of university level or 2nd year of university level and 3 years of professional experience (VAP).
  • Scientific Baccalauréat (or an equivalent to the French high school scientific diploma)
  • Admissions based on qualifications.
  • All the candidates (in initial or continuing education) have to apply on e-Candidat
  • Applications:

Organisation and education programs

Education program

UE2PROJECT ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENTAnalysis, design and construction of project, Value Analysis, Functional Analysis, Cost estimation and investments, Project planning, Control management, Project management software
UE3SUPPLY CHAINProduction planning, Stock management, Scheduling, Customer relationships, Operational research, Flow simulation, Purchasing and subcontracting, Supply chain
UE4TOOLS FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENTRequirements engineering, Project risk assessment, Contract law, Advance project management software, Information system and Information technology, ERP SAP
UE5ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND BUSINESS ENGINEERINGAdditive manufacturing, Management control, Business strategies and funding, Market research, Enterprise risk management

All students are to complete a work placement of 5 to 6 months.



  • Production
  • Quality
  • Logistics
  • Project management
  • Information systems
  • Consultancy, engineering
  • Entrepreneurship
  • ...


  • Conseil Régional (regional council),
  • Pôle Emploi,
  • ...

Contact Toulouse INP-ENSIACET

L'école de la transformation de la matière et de l'énergie

4, allée Emile Monso - CS 44362
31030 TOULOUSE Cedex 4, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 33 00
