Partners and Networks

Toulouse INP-ENSIACET has a remarkable industrial and scientific environment. The school forged strong connections with many regional, national and international partners with diverse domains of activity: industry, research, education… and also has strong ties with public authorities and socio-economic partners. Moreover, its commitment in academic societies and scientific networks is very deep.

Campus France

Campus France (Agency for the promotion of French Higher Education) is a French public institution. It promotes French higher education, and is also in charge of welcoming international students, researchers, experts and guests and assisting them during their stay in France.


ERASMUS +, started in 2014, is a European Union programme that supports education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It offers European citizens the opportunity to study, train, and gain experience abroad. This programme gives the Toulouse INP-ENSIACET students the opportunity to study abroad in one of the universities that signed an inter-institutional agreement with the school.

The Erasmus + programme on the European Commission Website

Réseau "N+I"

The “N+I” network is an over 70 French engineer schools consortium. It offers a wide range of Master’s degrees with an international outlook.


FITEC are programmes developed and managed by The CDEFI (Conference of Deans of French Schools of Engineering), a non-profit association of deans of French public and private schools of engineering and universities of technology. Those programmes are international partnerships implemented between French and Latin American engineer schools in order to develop joint training programmes. FITEC programmes also allow the implementation of research and academic projects with those universities, and contribute to establishing close relationships while promoting the mobility of students and teachers.

FITEC programmes on the CDEFI website


The Bureau de Coopération Interuniversitaire (formerly known as CREPUQ, Conference of Rectors and Principals of Quebec Universities) is a voluntary coalition of Québec universities. It promotes dialogue between Québec university administrators, supports their deliberations on joint initiatives, and makes available to the universities services that they need to perform their functions, especially regarding teaching, research and administration.

SEFI - European Society for Engineering Education

SEFI is the largest network of higher engineering education institutions (HEIs) and educators in Europe. It is an international non-profit organisation created in 1973 that contributes to the development and improvement of HEE in Europe, reinforces the position of the engineering professionals in society, promotes information about HEE and improves communication between teachers, researchers and students, reinforces the university-business cooperation and encourages the European dimension in higher engineering education.

ECTNA - European Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Education Network

The European Chemistry Thematic Network Association is a non-profit making association registered in Belgium and is an outcome of six years of network activity. Higher education institutions, national chemical societies and chemical and software companies comprise our members. There are currently over 120 members of the network coming from 30 different European countries and with associate members world-wide.

EFCE - European Federation of Chemical Engineering

The European Federation of Chemical Engineering is a non-profit association, the object of which is to promote co-operation in Europe between non-profit-making professional scientific and technical societies for the general advancement of chemical engineering and as a means of furthering the development of chemical engineering.

Contact Toulouse INP-ENSIACET

L'école de la transformation de la matière et de l'énergie

4, allée Emile Monso - CS 44362
31030 TOULOUSE Cedex 4, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 33 00
