Research at Toulouse INP-ENSIACETA graduate engineering school that invents…

The graduate engineering school benefits from a dynamic academic and scientific network to work on research projects and nurture innovative projects…
The A7 prides itself on its solid network partners (groupe INP, Fédération Gay Lussac, CDEFI, CGE…). It equally boasts an exceptional location near Rangueil university’s science campus, the technological hub, Technopôle, in the south-east of Toulouse, the competitiveness cluster and IRT Saint Exupéry.
The graduate engineering school also serves as a research center with support from the CNRS, INRA and other industrial partners… Research in A7 is both academic, seeking to further knowledge and keen to see application in industry, development and technology transfer.
Four research centers of national and international acclaim are associated with the school and highly involved in the competitiveness clusters and research networks : CIRIMAT (UMR CNRS), LCC (UPR CNRS), LCA (UMR INRA) and LGC (UMR CNRS). The graduate engineering school also hosts two CRITT (Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer) and companies within the framework of collaborative projects.
Toulouse INP-ENSIACET is classed as being an expert in the field of fundamental research and innovation in industrial processes, research centers and centers of technology transfer housed in Toulouse INP-ENSIACET anticipating societal demands...