FA7 Junior-EtudesThe Junior-Initiative at the ENSIACET

Founded in 2002, FA7 Junior-Studies enables many students to put their talents to good use by fulfilling missions for companies:

  • physical and chemical analysis (chemical products, materials),
  • laboratory units size optimisation,
  • process simulation (ProSimPlus, Prophyplus),
  • creating data-bases,
  • programming,
  • technical document translation,
  • ...

The FA7 organization is based on a company organisation, and its quality is regularly confirmed by the National Junior Enterprise Confederation (CNJE). Audits are organized so as to maintain constant professionalism within FA7.

For more information: www.fa7junioretudes.fr

Contact: fa7 @ ensiacet.fr

Contact Toulouse INP-ENSIACET

L'école de la transformation de la matière et de l'énergie

4, allée Emile Monso - CS 44362
31030 TOULOUSE Cedex 4, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 33 00
