MSc Industrial and Safety Engineering (ISE)

Turning innovations into innovative products entails controlling industrial design processes to bring those products to market within a reasonable time and price, while providing assurance of their quality and safety. Quality and safety requirements are increasingly important in the manufacturing process. All these processes involve various human, managerial, technical and financial skills, thus being influenced by numerous external constraints (regulatory, normative, legal, societal and technological).


Aims of the program

This program aims to train specialists while providing answers to new industrial and societal expectations in an international context. Upon graduation, the student will be able to manage the quality and risks of technological systems (products and facilities) relating to their specification, design, implementation, manufacturing and operation, and to ensure quality and risk control in a legal, economic and social environment.


Program content

Semester 1 (M1 – 30 ECTS):

Safety/Risk Engineering: Risk Analysis Approaches, Toxic Risk for Humans and Environment, Process Safety, Structural Safety.


Semester 2 (M1 – 30 ECTS):

Safety/Risk Management: Functional Safety, Designing for Safety, Safety Management, Human and Organizational Management, Professional Project.


Semester 3 (M2 – 30 ECTS)

Industrial Systems Engineering: Project Management, Logistics and Operation Management, Quality Insurance, Information Systems, Economy and Industrial Regulation, Professional Projects.


Semester 4 (M2 – 30 ECTS)

Graduation internship (5-6 months) in industrial companies or in research laboratories.


More information and how to apply


Contact Toulouse INP-ENSIACET

L'école de la transformation de la matière et de l'énergie

4, allée Emile Monso - CS 44362
31030 TOULOUSE Cedex 4, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 33 00
