MSc Green Chemistry and Processes for renewable feedstocks (Green CAP)

Today, the chemical industry must adapt to the increasing scarcity of resources, new regulations, and social, ecological and political pressure. In this context, the use of renewable resources like feedstock or microbial biomass constitutes an interesting alternative to manufacture functional bioproducts and contribute to the energetic transtition, thus representing significant levers for innovation. By combining the disciplines of green chemistry, catalysis, bioprocesses and formulation, the Green CAP MSc aims to provide the student with the essential tools for developing clean and safe processes in the emerging fields of agribusiness.


Aims of the program

  • To train engineers in the implementation of clean technologies in a context of sustainable development, providing solutions in the fields of green chemistry and bioprocesses.
  • To control the transformation of renewable resources by catalytic or biotechnological means.
  • To develop functional, safe and innovative bioproducts, following an eco-design approach.


Program content

The first semester (M1) is a semester for international master (SIM) shared with other international masters of Toulouse INP – INSA Toulouse, and dedicated to the scientific integration of students. It includes a bibliographic project.


The second semester (M1) includes thematic courses combining tutorials, seminars and a project. It is divided in 4 teaching units (TU) :

  • TU1 – Sustainable Process
  • TU2 – Tools for a green Chemistry
  • TU3 – Polymer Sciences
  • TU4 – Langage and Project


The third semester (M2) is divided into 6 TU:

  • TU1 – Tools in green chemistry and processes
  • TU2 – Bioprocess
  • TU3 – Formulation
  • TU4 – Conception of Bioproducts
  • TU5 – Catalysis for alternative Energies
  • TU6 – Project


The fourth semester (M2) is dedicated to the internship (Master thesis) of 5 to 6 months in a company, in a research & development center or in one of the laboratories linked to the master.


More information and how to apply


Contact Toulouse INP-ENSIACET

L'école de la transformation de la matière et de l'énergie

4, allée Emile Monso - CS 44362
31030 TOULOUSE Cedex 4, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 33 00
