Organisation and functioning of the school

Dean: Laurent Prat
Vice-Dean: Xuan Meyer
Director of Education: Cédric Brandam
Research Coordinator: Caroline Sablayrolles
Administrative and Financial Manager: Julien Macé
Toulouse INP-ENSIACET is administered by a Council and is lead by a Dean, who is helped by an executive committee. The Dean sets up commissions or consulting committees established by the regulations or introduced by Toulouse INP or the school itself.
Toulouse INP-ENSIACET is one of the components of Toulouse INP, a Public Establishment with a Scientific, Cultural and Professional purpose (EPSCP) with the same prerogatives as a university (article L.713.1 of the Education Code).
Toulouse INP-ENSIACET is composed of 5 departments (one per speciality) and is associated to 4 research centers (CIRIMAT, LCA, LCC, LGC).
Management: the school council
The graduate school council defines the school's policies. It voices its opinion concerning all the important matters, in particular the pedagogical aspects, research, development projects, school life.
It gathers on average 3 times a year, with an explicit will to get industrial players to contribute to the school's operational and strategic orientation.
The graduate school council is composed of 35 members:
- 20 internal members (who are part of the school)
- 5 "A" teachers, 5 "B" teachers, 5 users, 5 BIATSS staff members
- 15 external members, organised as such:
- 3 representatives of the regional authorities (Mairie de Toulouse, Région Occitanie, Département de la Haute-Garonne)
- 10 representatives of the economical activities,1 personnality designated by the Council : the Chairman
- The Chairman of the Engineer's Association or his representative
Other members who don't have a voting right in the council:
- Toulouse INP's Manager
- Toulouse INP's Secretary-General
- Toulouse INP's Accounting Officer
- the school Dean
- members of the board of management
- the Bureau des Élève's President
- the vice chairman of Toulouse INP's School Board
The council elects most members for 3 years, The Chairman's mandate is renewable.
Consultative bodies
There are 4 consultative bodies at Toulouse INP-ENSIACET.
CEVE (Conseil des Études et de la Vie Étudiante)
The CEVE suggests potential ideas to the school council concerning the following matters:
- it prepares curriculum content (both for the initial and continuous course),
- it prepares the progress of the school year,
- it is consulted on matters dealing with the working and living conditions of workers and users,
- it promotes cultural, sporting, social and associative activities,
- it coordinates the activity of all the school departments,
- it is consulted on potential modifications to departments' organisation,
- it prepares the distribution of resources between departments,
- it is consulted on potential modifications to the school regulations,
- it examines support for university or school projects, medical and social services, and the library/documentation centre.
Perfection council (Conseil de perfectionnement)
The "Conseil de Perfectionnement" gathers once a year to give an evaluation of the current direction the school has taken, its specialities, its options.
CPNE (Non-teacher staff commission)
The Commission gathers at least 3 times a year. Its areas of discussion are the non-teacher staff's problems such as career issues, staff movement within the school (recruitment, promotion, dismissals), working hours, holidays... without going into individual cases.
It will receive any information concerning life within the school.
CHS (Hygiene and Security Committee)
The CHS gathers at least 3 times a year. It studies and offers suggestions regarding security and hygiene issues at the workplace, inside and outside the buildings and on the various installations, the information and security training staff receive, work space and medication legislations, general or specific issues involving laboratories, in particular the stocking, use and evacuation of gaseous/chemical/radioactive/biologically active products which could be potential threats or sources of contamination.