Pilot plants for education

Pooling and mutualisation of pilot plants and high-level devices on all the sites in Toulouse to gain education quality...
AIGEPChemical Processes Teaching Lab

Access to a high quality practical course for the students of the region
To take up this challenge 5 big universities of the South West of France joined forces to share the investment and the functioning of this Workshop:
- Université Paul Sabatier
- Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
- Ecole des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux
- Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
- Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse
The tools for the practical course in Process engineering
The "Chemical Processes Teaching Lab" have always been big budget consumers for the managers of these courses. Indeed it is necessary to implement pilot devices to really understand the realities of this discipline.
Let's not forget that Process engineering is the science which enables to pass from a chemical or physical basic operation to the industrial scale. Therefore it is essential to show the students the practical difficulties in industry: management of big volumes, validity of the measures given by the sensors...
Thus it is not possible to show devices that fit on a lab bench! It is then necessary to plan to buy bigger installations, to take on their product and energy consumption and provide efficient metrology.
The AIGEP is a technical building of 800 m2 where an efficient technical team put more than twenty pilots at the disposal of users. Among these installations there are for example different separation techniques, a multipurpose chemical reactor, a solid treatment line, a spray dryer...
The workshop also has an ATEX setup area with supervision to place the students in a situation of industrial management.