Compulsory Sports

Mens sana in corpore sano... this is why PE is mandatory for ENSIACET students. Every week, they have to take part in 1hr 30 minutes of sport.
First Year: health
Most students interrupted their sporting activities during the preparation of the Engineering Schools Exam. During the first year, PE is dedicated to checking out one's physical fitness, and reshaping students. Each week, the sports session comprises:
- a fitness/reshaping part for everyone,
- another activity that students can choose between about 20 options.
The objective is for students to commit to practicing sports, regardless of their performance and skills.
Second Year: personalization
Students still have a weekly sport session, but those sessions become personalized and depend on students' objectives:
- The "basic course" option targets people who want to keep practicing sports as in 1st year,
- The "AS" option is made for people who want to train a special sport and take part in the university competitions,
- The "Run & Ride" option targets students who want to train for a raid, a trail or a marathon,
- The "Dance Project" option allows people who want to organise a show to achieve their projects.
Third Year
In 3rd year, PE aims to help students opening to new sports and options. It is designed to teach them that a healthy sport practice depends on leisure and fun rather than on focusing on one's health and shape.