School year sponsorships

Since 2010, each Toulouse INP-ENSIACET graduate engineering school year has been sponsored by an industrial group.
The sponsorship perfectly illustrates the ambition of the school: increase its fame in the eyes of companies, develop the quality of its partnerships and continuously improve the career opportunities of its students with training adapted to the realities of the world of work.
Players of the economic life, enterprises wished to participate in the development and the transmission of their knowledge and their expertise. They therefore contribute to the curriculum, the information and the career opportunities of the young Toulouse INP-ENSIACET engineering students.
Many beneficial exchanges
For companies |
For students |
The day of the official launch of the sponsorship
A launching day formalizes the sponsorship agreement between the school and the sponsor enterprise. It is the occasion for the school and its privileged partner to sign a sponsorship charter. It defines the shared target to offer the students the optimal means to prepare their future and ensure the success of their curriculum... the guarantee of a successful professional integration!
Examples of partnerships
Total's (2011 class)
This sponsorship led to the creation of a photovoltaic power plant on the car park of the school. This power plant aspiring to become an Ecological Teaching an Research Park (APIER).
SAFRAN's sponsorship (2013 class)
In the framework of the sponsorship of the 2013 class by Safran, the students of AirA7 chose to get involved in the realisation of a bilingual exhibition on the theme of the life cycle of a turbine disk. An exhibition which will eventually be displayed by Safran in its Museum in Villaroche (77).
INEOS' sponsorship (2016 class)
During the INOES sponsorship in 2016, our students created a Massive Open Online Course dealing with petrochemistry intermediaries.