Green & Bio-based Chemistry 5th year specialization curriculum

To train future engineers of chemical companies able to innovate for a cleaner and more efficient chemistry, with a possible use of vegetable raw materials and bioprocesses, to get safer products that respect the environment and humans.
- Good level in organic chemistry.
- Basic knowledge in Process Engineering.
- Basis in life science.
- Understand the transformation of renewable resources.
- Elaborate functionnal, safe and innovative bioproducts.
- Develop catalytic processes using eco-design principles.
- Developing or improving synthesis route using clean technologies, including catalysis.
- Mastering alternative methods in green chemistry.
- Designing and piloting ecocompatible processes.
- Mastering the main transformations of renewable resources with a biorefinery approach.
- Assessing and taking into account the environmental impacts associated with (bio)chemical transformations.
- Knowing how to develop bioproducts or agromaterials, coupled to an ecodesign methodology.
- Managing a project and ability to work as a team.
Activity sectors
- Development & improvement of (Bio) processes: extraction, separation, synthesis, formulation, scale-up.
- Fine chemicals, cosmetics, flavours, pharmaceutical products.
- Specialty bioproducts (surfactants, solvents, lubricants, coatings, plasticizers).
- Ecomaterials & biobased Polymers.
- New energy sectors: storage, catalysis, valorization of biomass or CO2, anaerobic digestion, microalgae, fuel cell, biocell.
- Agribusiness.
- Agrochemistry and Biocontrol.
- Ecodesign & ecotechnologies.
- Environmental assessments.
Matthias Desmolles, majored in 2017
During the third year of my engineer curriculum, driven by the environmental issues, I wanted to specialize in the field of "Biobased Chemistry ". The conversion routes of different renewable raw materials in terms of clean processes helped me to get a different idea of chemistry.
Through these courses, I had the opportunity to explore several fields related to the production of bioproducts and new energies. The variety of lectures has given me a good vision of the solutions and alternatives proposed by Green Chemistry. Each student can thus choose to deepen the axes in which he or she wishes to invest, while preserving the planet ...