Innovative materials 5th year specialization domain

The Innovative Materials 5th year specialization domain concerns students coming from a "Materials" formation aiming to acquire a strong expertise on either the sustainable conception and design of structures taking into account complex environments (coupling reactivity/microstructure/mechanics), or the fabrication and characterization of polymers, thin films and composite materials and the study of their multi-functionalities.
This 5th year specialization domain is also largely opened to students from diverse formations presenting pre-requisites in materials engineering and who demonstrate a strong motivation for carriers related to the materials science.
The 5th year specialization domain is structured in two curriculums, “Durability” and “Functionality” which share a common core built on two credits and which are constituted of two specific credits. Four credits are common to all the Toulouse INP-ENSIACET 5th year specialization domains (engineer job, business engineering, project and internship).