Fluids, Energy and Processes 5th year specialization curriculumFEP is a Toulouse INP-ENSIACET and ENSEEIHT transversal specialization curriculum

This specialization curriculum deals with the industrial activities of Process Engineering (matter transformation, energy…) in which fluid engineering plays a key role. It aims to optimise the design, the sizing or the performance of the device.
The courses are based on the physical analysis and the establishment of models of coupled transfer mechanisms in multiphase flows (drops, bubbles, grains, emulsions). Courses on turbulence, reaction/flow couplings and complex environment implement numerical models and the use of simulation codes.
- Broad knowledge of chemical engineering or in process engineering
- Sound knowledge of transport phenomena
- Basic knowledge of simulation tools (Matlab, Fluent)
- Understand the coupled phenomena inside a reactor
- Identify the main phenomena inside a reactor and determine the characteristic time and space scales
- Suggest a model for the phenomena occurring in a reactor
- Design an arrangement of an existing reactor and/or the implementation of new equipment
- Arbitrate the technical choices for the arrangement, operational conditions, instrumentation
- Estimate the impact of the modification of operating conditions on the functioning of the reactor
- Work in a team and in a network