Conceptual design and process intensification 5th year specialization curriculumCAPRI

Engineers will be able to design and create future factories. They will get familiar with CAD tools with conceptual approaches of the process and optimisation methods leading to an optimal design of production units. An introductory vision to new generation processes are also proposed, in particular for multitask devices such as reactive distillation or micro-processes.
- Strong chemical engineering or process engineering knowledge
- Basic computer tools knowledge (Matlab, VBA, processes simulator)
- Setting up and optimizing processes
- Designing and following an industrial development project
- Designing modifications of an existing process
- Choosing technique options for equipment, arrangement and methods
- Calculating the dimensions of equipment
- Evaluating the impact of a new stream in a process
- Choosing options in human resources, financial resource and technical resources for projects
- Evaluating the return on investment of projects
- Working in teams
UE1 : Processes Design and intensification (6 ECTS)
- Design methodology (heuristics) (28 hours)
- Intensified reactors, intensified processes (17hours)
- Micro processes (17hours)
UE2 : Unit operations (4 ECTS)
- membrane separation (9 hours)
- advanced pilot plant laboratory (42hours)
- Industrial conference (6 hours)
UE3: Optimal design (4 ECTS)
- Advanced Flow sheeting software (14 hours)
- Excel macros, advanced Matlab (19 hours)
- management of batch workshop (17 hours)
- Optimal design (11 hours)
UE4: Energy efficiency in process (4 ECTS)
- Pinch methodology (8 hours)
- Energy efficiency in distillation (13 hours)
- Optimisation methods, superstructures, Mixed-integer non linear (8 hours)
- Heat exchanger network optimization (15 hours)
- Industrial conference (3 hours)
UE5 : Team project 5 – 6 student (10 ECTS)
UE6 Personal Development (2 ECTS)
- Company knowledge (accounting, enterprise strategy, co-workers management, meetings management, economic intelligence, job search, industrial property).
- French langage
Mohamed-Ali BOUHAMED
3A FISA GC – CAPRI specialization curriculum
Society: Société des Eaux de Marseille
The first and second-year curriculum allows you to achieve flexibility in the scientific fields. As an apprentice in Chemical Engineering, I had not had the chance to do dimensioning and / or process analysis. That is why I decided to choose the CAPRI specialization curriculum (Design and intensified process analysis) in order to be skilled in Chemical Engineering but also in Process Engineering. This third-year semester program enables you to develop (working ?) methods to be able to face to all kinds of situations regarding design and/or optimization especially:
- The blank sheet method, more modern, allowing to optimize process according to physical principles
- Simulations thanks to different softwares
- The principle of profitability
What is more, the classes focus on autonomy and project management which allow you to prepare for your professional life in which management and team work are essential. I really enjoyed this program because it puts emphasis on leadership, communication and planning.